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From Wikimania 2014 • London, United Kingdom
This page is a translated version of the page Wikimania and the translation is 70% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. #wikimania2014

Watch the videos on youtube
Watch the videos on Commons (coming soon)
Watch the videos from livestream
Check out the programme!
See who else was there: Hello world!

What is Wikimania?

Wikimania is a 4000 person conference, unconference, festival, meetup, workshop, hackathon, and party, spread over five days in August 2014, preceded and followed by fringe events. It's the official annual event of the Wikimedia movement, where you'll discover all kinds of projects that people are making with wikis and open content, as well as meet the community that produced the most famous wiki of all, Wikipedia!

The main event itself is held in and around The Barbican Centre in London, UK. All are welcome, whether you're an expert, enthusiast, beginner or just curious!

State of the Wiki
An annual update on the Wikimedia projects

Wikipedia is a household name — in fact, it’s now one of the five most popular websites in the world, clocking over 21 billion hits every month. With over 110m pages across 287 languages, and a dozen sister projects including dictionaries, newspapers, multimedia repositories and travelguides, it's come a long way since its founding in 2001; the community has grown, the technology has developed, and the organisation has matured. However, there are still sweeping changes to come. more…

Digital Collaboration:
How can software tools unlock our potential?

Wikimedia projects now have over 21 billion hits per month for content collaboratively created by over thirty million contributors, putting it in the top five sites globally, and one of the largest online communities. How does a community this size work, and how has it coped with such growth? more…

The Future of Education:
Now that Wikipedia has done everyone's homework, what's left to teach?

From primary school through to degree level and beyond Wikipedia is central to paradigm shift in what it means to 'know' and what it means to 'learn'. Capturing the sum of all human knowledge will be a long journey, but capturing much of the curriculum has already been achieved in the English language version. Whether it's 8-year-olds grabbing facts or university students tuning into new subjects and collating references, Wikipedia is the first port of call for millions of students. The sheer convenience of Wikipedia is challenging standard pedagogical approaches that implicitly assume information is scarce and difficult to duplicate. How should formal education respond now that discovering knowledge is no longer a complex skill, now that it's possible to complete assignments without having to 'think'? In this strand, we will explore the impact of Wikipedia across education and the many ways in which Wikimedia is supporting the practice of contributing to Wikipedia as a curricular activity. تېخىمۇ...

Open Data:
What can we build when the sum of all human knowledge is machine readable?

Wikidata is a new project of the Wikimedia Foundation: a free, collaborative, multilingual, secondary database, collecting structured data to provide support for Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons, the other Wikimedia projects, and well beyond that. This may become one of the best open data repositories on Earth — what can we do with it? تېخىمۇ...

Open Scholarship:
What happens when the cutting edge of human knowledge is available to all?

In 2013 alone over 500,000 pieces of scholarly research were made open access, across all disciplines — an unprecedented number. These are all citable in Wikipedia, meaning they can be integrated into the encyclopaedia, contextualised and made discoverable by anyone in the world with an internet connection. This level of accessibility of cutting edge research has never existed before in history, and the possible outcome of empowering citizen scientists and streamlining academia in this way is beyond reckoning. تېخىمۇ...

Free Culture:
The sum total of human knowledge shouldn't be owned by anyone. How can we ensure this?

If you create something original, you're automatically granted legal ownership over it, which prevents others from re-using it without your permission. There have been a number of efforts to create international licenses that allow you to publish original work such that anyone can use it, but with multiple territories, formats and types of licenses, this is far from a simple task, nor is it widely understood. Many contemporary content creators share, remix and re-use content without the correct licenses, leading them liable to charges of intellectual property theft. more…

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Media Partners

If you are interested in sponsoring next year's Wikimania, please contact wikimania-sponsorship@wikimedia.org


Wikimania was made possible by the 1000s of hours of work by 100s of volunteers
