Free Culture Weekend: 7-8th June

Free Culture Weekend
7 - 8th June
7 - 8th June
Calling digital artists and media creators, inventors and licensors, curators and archivists, lawyers and librarians, journalists and publishers, and anyone else interested in free culture and intellectual property: You're invited to the Wikimania Free Culture Weekend.
Wikimania and Wikimedia UK are hosting an event for all open organisations involved in free culture at The Barbican Centre as part of the build up to Wikimania. The aim of the event is to gain greater understanding of open culture projects, to build closer ties between organisations and people interested in all aspects of open culture and to plan for future collaboration.
The following blog posts have been written about the event:

Time and Location

Saturday 7th June - Sunday 8th June
10am - 5pm, lunch 1 - 2pm
The Barbican Centre
Silk St
There is an etherpad for the weekend.
Day One: Saturday 7th June
Saturday is open for attendees to deliver talks about their open culture activities and how they relate to other open projects, ranging from 5 minutes to 20-30 minutes from attendees talking about their projects. Lightning talks can be held in reserve for unforeseen gaps in the programme. Please submit your talk as part of the Eventbrite registration.

Day Two: Sunday 8th June
Sunday is open for attendees to collaborate on making plans for future joint projects, to build tools and learn how to use them. An hour at the start of the day will be used to identify areas of most interest to people and split them into useful groups. Both the room and public spaces could be used for this. Please submit your talk as part of the Eventbrite registration, please contact if you need any resources to run a workshop.
- Creating future plans e.g. joint projects, funding applications.
- Hackday: building tools.
- Learning how to use tools.
- WikiJam
- The Main Page Newsroom
There will also be a tour round the Barbican from 12 -1pm to highlight what will happen at Wikimania, this is not ticketed and not limited to people coming to the Free Culture Weekend, please sign up for this on the London meetup page here.

In case of overbooking we may want to target the list of attendees in order to ensure the people most interested in the topics and represent a wide array of organisations are present. We will be in touch with those who register if that happens.
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