Outreach/Open scholarship/Events
This is a list of upcoming open scholarship events:
- OKFest 2014 - 15-18 July 2014. Berlin, Germany. (An Open Knowledge Foundation event)
Past events
Open access week
Open Access Week happens every year, and this year it is 21-27th October 2013. A list of live-streamed events is available here: http://www.openaccessweek.org/page/live-stream-events. There are a number of UK events:
- Open access: understanding the new environment - 23 October 2013. University of Kent, Canterbury.
- Open Access Futures in the Humanities and Social Sciences – 24th October 2013. Senate House, London.
- Open [access, data, source ] 25 October 2013. Edinburgh.
- Innovations in Publication - 23 October 2013. University of Bath.
- Other events
- Open Knowledge Conference - 16-18 September 2013. Not just about open access, but the wider open movement.
- 5th Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing (COASP 2013) 18-20 September 2013
- Open access consultation events for higher education institutions - HEFCE. 30 September & 14 October 2013. London.
- Implementing open access policy - 5 November 2013. Westminster, London.
- SpotOn London - 8-9 November 2013, London. About Online Science communication - open access, open data, citizen science, getting scientists to communicate more effectively online...
- UKSG One-day conference - Open access realities: global experiences of implementing OA. 14 November 2013. London.
- Berlin 11 Satellite Conference for Students & Early Stage Researchers - 18 November 2013, Berlin, Germany.
- Berlin Open Access Conference - 19-20 November 2013, Berlin, Germany. 10th anniversary of the Berlin declaration.
- The 3rd Citizen Cyberscience Summit - 20-22 Feb, 2014. London.
- ScienceOnline 2014 (US) - 26-28 February 2014, Raleigh (NC), USA.
- SPARC 2014 Open Access Meeting - 3-4 March, 2014. Kansas City, USA.
- CILIP Open Access Executive Briefing - 18 March, 2014. London.
- UKSG 2014 - 14-16 April 2014. Harrogate, UK.
- COAR & OpenAIRE 2014 - May 21-23 2014. Athens, Greece.
- COASP 2014 - 2-3 June 2014. Bangkok, Thailand.
- Elpub 2014 - 19-20 June 2014. Thessaloniki, Greece.
- OA mandates and OA global growth at Euroscience Open Forum - 21-26 June 2014. Copenhagen, Denmark.